Sunday, November 22, 2015


WHY NARCISSISTS DON'T GET BETTER...SCIENCE SHOWS THAT THEIR BRAINS ARE DIFFERENT....narcissists are deficient in the brain in areas that support empathy and compassion. They can be crafty and exhibit strategies that are incredibly damaging to their victims, and no amount of therapy will work, and no matter how long you stay, or how much you love them, will turn them into a normal, kind, decent person. All you can do IS TO GET FAR AWAY AND STAY FAR AWAY FROM A NARCISSIST. Read this:
A far-reaching disorder of the self-esteem is denoted as a narcissistic personality disorder. Persons with pathological narcissism on the one hand suffer from feelings of inferiority, while on the other hand projecting themselves to the world as arrogant, disparaging and self-absorbed.
One of the key features of a narcissistic personality disorder is the lack of empathy. Although patients suffering from such a disorder are well able to recognize what other persons feel, think and intent, they display little compassion.
In this study, the team of scientists led by Privatdozent Dr. Stefan Röpke from the Charité Department of Psychiatry and Director of the personality disorders working group, have for the first time demonstrated the structural correlate of this deficit. They analyzed a total of 34 test subjects, of which 17 suffered from a narcissistic personality disorder.
By means of various tests, the researchers had already revealed in a preliminary study that these patients actually exhibit a deficit of the ability to empathize. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods, the scientists measured the thickness of the patients' cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex forms the external nerve cell layer of the brain.
The findings revealed that those subjects suffering from narcissistic personality disorder exhibited structural abnormalities in precisely that region of the brain, which is involved in the processing and generation of compassion. For patients with narcissism, this region of the cerebral cortex was markedly reduced in thickness compared to the control group.
"Our data shows that the amount of empathy is directly correlated to the volume of gray brain matter of the corresponding cortical representation in the insular region, and that the patients with narcissism exhibit a structural deficit in exactly this area," states Dr. Röpke, commenting on the findings. "Building on this initial structural data, we are currently attempting to use functional imaging (fMRI) to understand better how the brains of patients with narcissistic personality disorder work."
What remains to be understood is whether someone's brain is like this from early childhood, or becomes this way over time, and if so, why. It has been known for some time, from PET scans, that the brains of narcissists and sociopaths FUNCTION differently, that is, the areas of the brain that function for empathy and compassion don't function normally in these people. This study tends to show that the reason for this is that their brains are structurally different...i.e., they have a "different brain type" if you will, so once you discover this, it would be predictable that they would leave a line of victims in their wake over their lifetime. Can anything, other than to stay away from them, be done? Unknown. One thing I do know...ordinary people, who are "givers" and empaths need to find relationships with people like themselves. The real problem is that narcopaths IMITATE the rest of us very well..that is, they know what is expected of them and are able, if they wished, to conform their behavior to social expectations, but they don't want to. They delight in abusiveness and manipulation, and love, in the sense you and I mean it, is not possible for them, it would seem.

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